Recent Work

    Created the backend, powered by AWS AppSync(managed GraphQL server) that sits in front of an RDS Cluster in a VPC.
    Amazon Cognito handles authentication with an identity pool as an entry point to use AWS resources .
    User assets and uploads are handled by requesting a signed s3 url through API gateway.
    I deployed a Cloudfront CDN in front of the APIs and assets.
    Deployed a CI/CD pipeline triggered by Github commits
    Built a Web Crawler to collect data for internal use
    AWS Lambda functions with NodeJS

    I helped bootstrap the React Native App with TypeScript, Worked on custom hooks to query the GraphQL database, implemented push notifications.

    AWS Cloud native App, I deployed it with AppSync (AWS managed GraphQL Server), Cognito and DynamoDb.
    I used Step Functions and SQS to orchestrate some of the backend calls.
    AWS Lambda functions with NodeJS
    Frontend is React Native with typeScript (Company is working on the design 🙂 )

    Implemented a BLE Breathalyzer on iOS and Android, fixed bugs, implemented the valet mode of the BLE ignition interlock

  • wSuite
    Private iPadOs App used by the company to manage leads and quote clients on new projects.
    Swift with SwiftUI and offline support on the frontend, backend powered by what else but AWS Cloud Native technologies(Appsync, Cognito, API gateway, Cloudfront, S3)